Friday, February 21, 2014


Today, many businesses and individuals buy facebook likes and fans for various reasons. It’s become the norm to have a Facebook account and the number of likes and fans dictate one’s popularity. Recently, a US State Department came under fire for allegedly spending $630,000 on buying facebook likes! That’s just how popular and important Facebook has become! What’s the need to buy facebook likes? When buying them, what should you know?
Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular social sites and just about every brand wants to have their brand page here. Leave alone brands, even Governments try and connect with citizens using social media platforms. However, though brands are enthusiastic in creating their page, their customers don’t rush to the pages with the same enthusiasm. Besides, without some activity going on already, customers aren’t inclined to join a brand page. For this one reason, many brands now buy facebook likes and fans in a bid to improve their popularity.
Also, when brands or individuals launch their page, there’s hardly any activity going on. Even if the brands take efforts to get activity started, without fans and likes, they tend to get demotivated. This is another reason why brands prefer buying facebook likes. However, buying fans is just one part of the tale. How these fans or likes make any difference, rests with the type of fans or likes bought. So, are there any ground rules to follow when buying fans and likes?
Though there are many individuals and firms selling facebook likes and fans, not many really sell “real and targeted” facebook likes and fans. Though it might not come cheap, it’s worth to invest in fans and likes who are interested in the brand and would probably do business with you in future. After all, that’s the main purpose of marketing – to sell your products or services to people! Every business will have a scope with reference to their target markets and when fans and likes are from related Geographic location, it sounds more real and relevant. It’s a good idea to find firms selling “real and targeted” fans, so it can add value and popularity.
Another thing to remember when buying fans and likes is that, the fans and likes should come in over a period of time and not in quick succession. So, the firm or individual you buy facebook likes and fans from should send in traffic gradually and give adequate time between likes. This is very important, since facebook will nab if the likes and fans were drawn in quick succession.
Once the page gets few likes and fans, customers will also start participating. Besides, with regular activity in the page, the page popularity will shoot up and the page will begin showing up in searches. As a result, the page popularity will increase gradually. However, until that happens, buying facebook likes and fans will help retain a brand’s image and motivate customers to support the brand online.

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